DOS Scripting
Accepting Arguments
Use %1 from within the script as the first argument and %2 as the second etc. If the argument is a filename then the following can be used instead to process it:
%1 is the normal parameter. Returns filename exactly as passed.
%~f1 expands %1 to the drive, path, and file name. If passed only filename from current directory, this will expand it.
%~d1 extracts (or expands then extracts) the drive letter from %1
%~p1 extracts (or expands then extracts) the path from %1
%~dp1 extracts (or expands then extracts) the drive letter and path from %1
%~sp1 extracts (or expands then extracts) the short path from %1
%~n1 extracts (or expands then extracts) the file name, without extension, from %1
%~sn1 extracts (or expands then extracts) the short file name, without extension, from %1
%~x1 extracts (or expands then extracts) the file extension from %1
%~nx1 extracts (or expands then extracts) the file name and extension from %1
%~sx1 extracts (or expands then extracts) the short extension from %1
\%0 is the complete path, filename, and extension of the script itself.
Wait for a program to finish
Your batch file runs a Windows program, but you need it to not do anything else until after that Windows program finishes. The general answer is to use the START command with the /WAIT option like this:
start /wait notepad.exe
This works for the majority of programmes, however there could be problems with Self-extracting exes for instance.
Make a time dealy
The "Wscript.Sleep" command allows you to specify a sleep time in milliseconds. Here is batch code for a ten-second delay that creates the needed scripting file:
@echo off
echo Starting!
echo Wscript.Sleep 10000> sleep.vbs
start /w wscript.exe sleep.vbs
echo Done!
del sleep.vbs
Find expired hosts in an input file
This can be used to find expired hosts in etc\\hosts:
@echo off
:: Test to see if we are on Win 9x by how ampersands are handled
> HostsExpired.tmp echo 1234&rem
type HostsExpired.tmp | find "rem" > nul
if errorlevel 1 goto NOT9X
goto ISWIN9X
if exist HostsExpired.tmp del HostsExpired.tmp
echo This batch file will read the HOSTS file looking for
echo machine names that don't have a DNS "A" entry. A list
echo of those machines will be appended to a file named
echo "HostsExpired.txt" in the default directory (usually
echo the same directory the batch file is in).
:: Wake the system up by pinging the primary DNS
:: now read the first two words in each line of the HOSTS file
if not exist %windir%\\System32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts goto DONE
for /f "tokens=1,2" %%x in (%windir%\\System32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts) do call :TESTLINE %%x %%y
goto DONE
:: Arguments (dirty) - IP, MachineName
:: Did we get two arguments (was it a blank line)?
if [%2]==[] goto DONE
:: Is it a commented line?
echo %1 | find "#" > nul
if not errorlevel 1 goto DONE
:: Do a NS lookup. If "Address" shows up twice, it is good.
nslookup -type=A %2 2>nul | find /c "Address" | find "2" > nul
if errorlevel 1 call :TESTAGAIN %1 %2
echo %2
goto DONE
:: Arguments (clean) - IP, MachineName
:: Use ping as a time delay in case NS needed more time to
:: look up or in case my !@#$%?! DHCP lease expired again.
:: Do a NS lookup. If "Address" shows up twice, it is good.
nslookup -type=A %2 2>nul | find /c "Address" | find "2" > nul
if errorlevel 1 call :LOG %1 %2
goto DONE
:: Arguments (clean) - IP, MachineName
:: Add the IP/name entry to the list.
echo %1 %2>> HostsExpired.txt
goto DONE
:: Used as a delay or to wake up the system by pinging the primary DNS.
:: Read the ipconfig command and separate things by the colon.
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%x in ('ipconfig /all') do call :PINGDNS2 "%%x" %%y
:: Arguments (dirty) - IpconfigEntry, IpconfigValue
:: If %1 (the beginning of the ipconfig line) has "DNS Servers"
:: in it, then %2 (the end of the ipconfig line) has the DNS IP.
echo %1 | find "DNS Servers" > nul
if errorlevel 1 goto DONE
:: Ping the DNS server, but limit the hop count so we *probably* will
:: get out of our local network, but *probably* won't harrass the DNS.
ping -i 4 %2 > nul
ping -i 4 %2 > nul
goto DONE
if exist HostsExpired.tmp del HostsExpired.tmp
echo This batch file requires Windows NT or newer.
goto DONE
Get IP address
ipconfig.exe | find "IP Address" | find /v ""
winipcfg.exe /batch %temp%\\winipcfg.out
type %temp%\\winipcfg.out | find "IP Address" | find /v ""
Although this works on both but does it in a different way:
ping.exe -n 1 -i 1 -w 1
arp.exe -a | find "Interface"
If the IP is required by itself then it can be filted using for tokens/delims:
ipconfig|find /i "ip address" >bg1
for /f "tokens=1-2 delims=:" %i in (bg1) do echo %j >bg2
for /f "tokens=1 delims= " %i in (bg2) do echo %i >ip.txt
''rem IP address is now in ip.txt
rem To populate it in an evironment variable:''
for /f "tokens=1 delims=*" %i in (ip.txt) do set ipaddress=%i
echo IP address is: %ipaddress%
It would be a nightmare trying to do this on Win 9x are it does not have for natively.
Get user name
An easy way
set|find "USERNAME"|set username=%A
echo %username%
or some harder ways:
This exports the key from the reg and gets the value from it into a env variable:
@echo off
start /w regedit /e reg.txt HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\control
type reg.txt | find "Current User" > "Current#User.bat"
echo set CurrentUser=%%1>"Current User.bat"
call "Current#User.bat"
del "Current?User.bat" > nul
del reg.txt > nul
echo %CurrentUser%
This gives the username in quotes though, although it can be removed by making it to a file like this:
md temp1
cd temp1
:: creates a temp1 directory for the batch file to work in. Essentially
:: just a directory that doesn't contain any files.
echo hello>%username%
:: echos hello into a file called "Bert"
:: DOS can't call the file "bert", so it drops the quotes on each side....
:: you a directory with one file in it (called bert)
dir /B >c:\\workingdirectory\\user.txt
:: outputs the data to a file called user.txt in the working directory
deltree temp1
:: just a quick tidy up.
Or use the NET config command to create a batch file with the output of the 'User name' line and grab the third 'parameter':
@echo off
:: The "net config" generates several lines of data, among
:: them one that has my user name like this
:: User name EPHELPS
:: I put just that line into a temporary batch file
net config workstation | find "User" > temp.bat
:: Since the first word in my temporary batch file is "User",
:: I'll need to create a batch file named user. The user.bat
:: file will have the word "name" as it's first argument
:: and the word "EPHELPS" as it's second argument. I'm
:: obviously after the second argument here!
echo set value=%%2> user.bat
:: Now I call my temp.bat which will in turn run user.bat
call temp.bat
:: Delete the temporary files we made
del temp.bat
del user.bat
:: Display the value we got!
echo Your user name is %value%
Instead of 'net config workstation' only 'net config' is required under Win 9x.
The following uses DEBUG instead:
@echo off
:: Parses the output of the "net config" command to get
:: the user name. Uses debug to trim
:: away all unwanted info from the response line.
set value=
:: Use net config to get lots of data, then filter it
net config | find "User name" > setvalue.bat
:: Use DEBUG to overwrite the beginning data
> script echo e 0100 " set value="
>> script echo w
>> script echo q
debug setvalue.bat < script > nul
del script
call setvalue.bat
del setvalue.bat
echo User name is %value%
Backup IIS
The below script backups the config of remote IIS servers, rotates files by deleting anything older than 28 days and uploads them to a remote off-site location using pscp.
- plink and pscp downloaded and in your %PATH%
- An ammended version of the Delete all files older than 1 day (Windows) script.
- The acc which the script in run under will need read permissions in the c:\\windows\\system32\\inetsrv folder of the IIS servers you wish to backup.
- For the remote off-site backup the relevant dirs need to be created as well as public key authentication.
@echo off
cd \\
echo ----------------------------- >>IISBackup.log
echo %date% %time% Starting backup >>IISBackup.log
c:\\windows\\system32\\cscript //b DelFilesOlderThan28Days.vbs f:\\IISBak\\iis1
c:\\windows\\system32\\cscript //b DelFilesOlderThan28Days.vbs f:\\IISBak\\iis2
c:\\windows\\system32\\cscript //b DelFilesOlderThan28Days.vbs f:\\IISBak\\iis3
if not exist q:\\MetaBase.xml net use q: \\\\iis1\\c$\\windows\\system32\\inetsrv
if %errorlevel%==1 echo %date% %time% Error in mapping Q to iis1 >>IISBackup.log
if not exist r:\\MetaBase.xml net use r: \\\\iis2\\c$\\windows\\system32\\inetsrv
if %errorlevel%==1 echo %date% %time% Error in mapping R to iis2 >>IISBackup.log
if not exist s:\\MetaBase.xml net use s: \\\\iis3\\c$\\windows\\system32\\inetsrv
copy /y q:\\MetaBase.xml f:\\IISBak\\iis1
copy /y q:\\MBSchema.xml f:\\IISBak\\iis1
copy /y r:\\MetaBase.xml f:\\IISBak\\iis2
copy /y r:\\MBSchema.xml f:\\IISBak\\iis2
copy /y s:\\MetaBase.xml f:\\IISBak\\iis3
copy /y s:\\MBSchema.xml f:\\IISBak\\iis3
for /f "Tokens=1-5 Delims=/ " %%i in ('date /t') do set dt=%%i_%%j_%%k
ren f:\\IISBak\\iis1\\MetaBase.xml Metabase_%dt%.xml
ren f:\\IISBak\\iis1\\MBSchema.xml MBSchema_%dt%.xml
ren f:\\IISBak\\iis2\\MetaBase.xml Metabase_%dt%.xml
ren f:\\IISBak\\iis2\\MBSchema.xml MBSchema_%dt%.xml
ren f:\\IISBak\\iis3\\MetaBase.xml Metabase_%dt%.xml
ren f:\\IISBak\\iis3\\MBSchema.xml MBSchema_%dt%.xml
pscp -r -i c:\\linux\\serverkey.ppk f:\\IISBak\\* schedadmin@remotelinuxserver:/home/schedadmin/iisbak/ >>IISBackup.log
if %errorlevel%==1 echo %date% %time% Error in scp command iisiis1 >>IISBackup.log
plink -i c:\\linux\\serverkey.ppk schedadmin@remotelinuxserver find /home/schedadmin/iisbak -type f -mtime +28 -exec rm {} \\; >>IISBackup.log
if %errorlevel%==1 echo %date% %time% Error in plink command to rm older than 28 days >>IISBackup.log
echo %date% %time% Finished >>IISBackup.log
See Also
Process Lines of Data Using FOR
Advanced Dos Based Logon Script