To edit a file based on the VISUAL or EDITOR variables, or Vi by default:


Run a shell command, a % is substituted by the name of the file being viewed:


To mark a position in a text file demoted by any single character:

m<any single character>

To go back to a mark type a single apostrphe followed by the same single character:

'<any single character>

Go to to top of file:


Go to bottom of file:


Go 50% into the file:


Disable word wrap: useful for big-column DB queries, -S is also a parameter


Show/hide line numbers:


Show new lines, 'forever' mode, similar to 'tail -f':


Using multiple files

Less can open mutliple files at once, where additional features can be utilised:

less file1 file2 file3

Go to next file: :n
Go to previous file::p
Search across multiple files:


Searching tricks

To search for text that matches the pattern:


To search for lines that does NOT match the pattern:


To only highlight text that matches the pattern and not move the location of the first match (\^K means Ctrl-K) :


To search BACKWARDS in a file for the pattern:


Repeat last search:


Repeat last search in the previous direction:


Add a useful prompt

Add the following to your .bashrc for a more useful prompt with additional information:

alias less='less -P "?f%f .?m(file %i of %m) .?ltlines %lt-%lb?L/%L. . byte %bB?s/%s. ?e(END) :?pB%pB\\%..%t"'

See Also less
