Reinitialise database (Arcserve)
Reinitialising the databases will clear ALL rotation
job data as well as session information
To reinitialise the ARCserve database:
- Open the ARCserve Manager, usually located at: C:\\Program Files\\CA\\BrightStor ARCserve Backup\\BrightStorMgr.exe
- Select Quickstart > Server Admin menu item
- Select Operation > Initialise Database... menu item
- Select the databases to reinitialise and click Initialise.
If reinitialising due to database corruption in the first instance only reinitialise the astpsdat and asobject database. These are the largest databases as they contain session data. Consequently corruption is usually in one of these databases and reinitialising these only will keep the media pool / rotation information.
If a EC-1 error is given: "Server x failed to authenticate the user caroot (EC=-1)" check that the Brightstor services are running.