Create custom System Folder on Desktop/My Computer (Windows)
Follow the steps below to create a custom folder on the Desktop or My Computer which cannot be renamed for deleted, like My Documents for instance. A unique GUID is referred to in these steps as "{BG3DF9E0-E3DA-21TE-BFDD-DFGH1WE45678}" - this is just an example and can be anything you want so long as it is unique on your PC.
- Create new key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\CLSID\\{BG3DF9E0-E3DA-21TE-BFDD-DFGH1WE45678} and set "(Default)" to the name of the folder, for example "My Games."
- Create new subkey: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\CLSID\\{BG3DF9E0-E3DA-21TE-BFDD-DFGH1WE45678}\\DefaultIcon . Set "(Default)" to be the .ico file for the icon
- Create new subkey: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\CLSID\\{BG3DF9E0-E3DA-21TE-BFDD-DFGH1WE45678}\\InProcServer32 . Set "(Default)" = shell32.dll
- Create new string value: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\CLSID\\{BG3DF9E0-E3DA-21TE-BFDD-DFGH1WE45678}\\ThreadingModel = "Apartment" . Do not create the string value under the DefaultIcon subkey but under the GUID key itself.
- Create subkeys for this path: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\CLSID\\{BG3DF9E0-E3DA-21TE-BFDD-DFGH1WE45678}\\Shell\\Open My Menu\\Command . Set "(Default)" to be the command when double clicked, for example "explorer /root,c:\\MyGames"
- Create subkeys for this path: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\CLSID\\{BG3DF9E0-E3DA-21TE-BFDD-DFGH1WE45678}\\ShellEx\\PropertySheetHandlers\\{FD4DF9E0-E3DE-11CE-BFCF-ABCD1DE12345} .
- Create new key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\CLSID\\{BG3DF9E0-E3DA-21TE-BFDD-DFGH1WE45678}\\ShellFolder . Create a new binary value here called "Attributes" and set it to "00 00 00 00".
To place the folder onto the Desktop: Create new key:
- Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion
- Explorer
- Desktop\\NameSpace\\{BG3DF9E0-E3DA-21TE-BFDD-DFGH1WE45678}
- Explorer
- Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion
To place the folder in My Computer: Create new key:
- Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion
- Explorer
- MyComputer\\NameSpace\\{BG3DF9E0-E3DA-21TE-BFDD-DFGH1WE45678}
- Explorer
- Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion
After this is done the only way to remove the icon is to remove the keys under the Desktop or My Computer namespace.