Firefox is more particular than IE and Opera when it comes to SSL. Most providers also issue a intermediate certificate as well as the usual root and domain certificates. In particular when using certificates purchased from Globalsign https will work fine without the intermediate certificate installed on IE and Opera but will cause an excpetion in Firefox. To avoid this the intermediate certificate must be installed.

Install on IIS

  1. Open the certificates mmc: Start > run > mmc > File > Add/remove snap in... > Add... > Certificates.
  2. Choose computer account
  3. Right-click intermediate certification authorities > All tasks > Import...
  4. Follow the wizard to import the certificate.
  5. Check that it appears certificate appears in the list.
  6. If you're installing a new certificate, delete the old/expired one.
  7. Run iisreset

Install on Apache

In your virtual host config add another directive - SSLCACertificateFile ; followed by the cert in .cer format.

Apache needs to be restarted.

See Also

Apache SSL Cert setup
