Database corruption affects detailed session records even if a merge is done on the tape. Consequently restore by session/tree/query does not work but the backed up data itself is unaffected. For a quick work around to enable the restoration of data without investigating/fixing database corruption choose Restore by Media. This does not rely on a Arcserve database but a whole particular session will have to be restored, although file filters (such as *.doc) can be specified.


Symptoms can be any or all of the following:

  • Asterixes (*) appear next to the job ID in the activity log; indicating issues updating the database in the job the last time it was run.
  • Backup job hanging at 99% complete
  • rds.exe (Arcserve database engine process) utilising as much CPU as it can - typically 99%.
  • E3073 Unable to login as user (User=xxx EC=xxx). Although this error could be incorrect caching of the login details. Try re-entering the system account in Server Admin and then restarting the Arcserve services.
  • *.cat files in the \\\\TEMP directory when no jobs are running. This is session data that should have merged into the database.
  • E4101 Unable to login to database engine (DATABASE=CASDB, EC=-2005) Do not confuse this error with the one outlined in Cannot login to VLDB Utilites; which could be completely different.


  • Not running regular maintenance: Utilities such as dgfix, dbdefrag and keybuild.
  • Shutdown/Server crash whilst the database is bring written to.
  • Server runs out of disk space
  • Database size limit reached: The maximum size is 360m records - ~36Gb of data. Each file backed up uses ~80 bytes of data in the database.
  • Database prune time: Prune jobs running whilst a backup or restore is done on a regular basis has been known to cause corruption. The default time for the prune job as midnight. This is the worst time to do this as usually backups are occurring at this time. A daily prune job for midday is recommended.


Corruption is usually in the astpsdat database as this contains session data and therefore the bulk of data associated with Arcserve; therefore it is prudent to start here. Like all Arcserve databases it can be presented in chunks to the filesystem itself (.001, .002 etc.) but the database name as a whole is always supplied to the VLDB utilities.

  1. For correct operation of the VLDB utilities every service should not be running apart from the Database engine. To do this run services.msc , find the services beginning with CA Brightstor and stop all of them apart from "CA Brightstor Database Engline."
  2. Open a commend prompt and change to the Arcserve directory, type: dbdefrag -a -L casdb;admin;secret astpsdat
  3. Followed by: keybuild -k -L casdb;admin;secret astpsdat
These commands can reduce the size of the database and therefore reduce
the time for checks on the database if required. Test whether the issue
is resolved, if the issue is resolved, you do not have to follow the
remaining steps. If the issue is not resolved, go to step 3, and then
follow the remaining steps.

4. dbfix -a -L casdb;admin;secret astpsdat

Depending on the amount of corruption and the size of the database this usually takes 12 hours or even several days. If it is still running after 48 hours or if the above command does not fix the corruption the next step is to reinitialise the database.
